Cory & Kristine Cramer

Cory and Kristine felt called to be part of God’s work in Eastern Europe after learning at The Master’s University that less than 1% of people in the region know Christ. This immense need prompted them to take their first steps toward serving in Albania. After years of ministry involvement (Cory at Alderwood Community Church), they grew in their passion for evangelism, discipleship, and the local church.

In 2012, they led a team to Albania, partnering with a local church to host an English Camp for youth. During this trip, they encountered young people who had never heard of Jesus or seen a Bible. At the same time, they witnessed a deep hunger among the Albanians for truth, hope, and the Gospel.

In 2014, Cory and Kristine moved to Albania to plant a church in the city of Pogradec. Since then, the Lord has graciously brought Albanians to saving faith, and a church has been established. Cory now pastors the Evangelical Church of Pogradec. Their mission is to see a strong, established church with godly leadership that will lead many to salvation and foster transformed lives that impact the city of Pogradec and the nation of Albania.

Cory and Kristine have five children

Shiloh, Taliah, Jude, Finn and Liv


Cory Cramer

Missionary in Pogradec, Albania


John Pleasnick - Treasurer

Pastor at Faith Bible Church (Temecula, CA)

John currently serves as Executive Pastor at Faith Bible Church, and Director of FBC’s Training Center for ministry. He has previous church experience as an equipping pastor at a small Southern Baptist church in CA, and college pastor at a large nondenominational church in WA. He is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary (M.Div., 1999) and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min, 2011). Since entering full-time ministry, John has been intimately involved in the work of missions, preparing men in the church to go, and personally ministering to national pastors and missionaries in 15+ countries over the years.


Ryan Colburn

Grace Church of the Valley (Kingsburg, CA)

Ryan is a member in good standing at Grace Church of the Valley in Kingsburg, Ca where he serves on the missions team. He is also a Deacon of youth ministry where he served with the high school men for the last 4 years. Ryan graduated from Fresno State with a bachelors degree in Plant Science. Ryan works in agriculture selling vegetable seed, nursery plants and trees, and also farms. Ryan is married to Allanah Colburn. They have three children, Vance, Hank, & Dean.



More info coming soon …