As we gear up for summer camps this year, we reflect on the last 6 years of summer camp and are amazed by what the Lord has done.
THRIVE is not a summer camp ministry, but the summer camps are a part of the outreach/evangelism ministry of our local church.
American local churches, send teams, and minister to the local church here in Albania and we have been blown away by the fruit.
And just to keep the main thing the main thing.
Why do we do this?
Why do we ask American churches to send teams?
Why do we spend time and money and energy to camp in the forest?
Why do we teach English and play Kijabe-Can-Can?
Why do we spend our nights trying to swat the mosquitoes away?
Why do we spend hours with kids who don't speak our language?
Because God uses it. He truly does.
Many of the kids have never truly heard the gospel. Many of these kids have never heard that they have an eternal soul. Many of these kids have no idea that God loves them.
They are hungry for truth and we have seen many come to Christ. Beyond that it is our priviledge to watch as many of the kids who get saved through camp, begin to grow in their walks with Christ, and become a part of the church.
It's not the ultimate culmination of ministry here in Albania for us. It's just the beginning.
It's just the seed planting. Some of the seeds do fall on rocky soil. Some of the seeds are eaten by the birds. But some of the seeds do fall onto good soil and the roots do begin to grow. And we will spend the rest of the year, and the rest of our years watching and working to make the seeds grow.
These camps are used to DRAW. They are used to PROCLAIM. They are used to IGNITE.
And we wholeheartedly believe in them and will continue to do them every summer for as long as the Lord allows.
Because of this, we do believe that the best way to use our resources and to continue this ministry is to have a campground of our own. As you heard in the video, we have the property, and we now just need to make it functional as a campground.
We look forward to being able to being able to run camps and conferences on this new campground by 2019!